Understanding the Dental Implant Procedure

If you have severe tooth decay, you are likely already seeing a dentist. One of the options that may come up is the use of dental implants. Implants can be used to stabilize dentures and similar dental options. Implants can also be used to replace one or several teeth instead of using a bridge or partial. If you are choosing dental implants to help with your current tooth decay illnesses, you should have an understanding of the procedure involved.

Evaluation Appointment

Since the procedure deals with your gums and your jawbone, you will experience a certain level of pain. This means you will likely have pain medication to help you through this issue along with an antibiotic. In order to ensure you are given the proper pain medication, aftercare treatment and that you are not risking prior health issues this appointment becomes vital. In fact, many dentists will not perform the implant procedure until you have had this consultation and evaluation. 

Removal of Decay

The first step on the day of the procedure is to remove the decaying teeth. The area must be cleaned with any fragments of the tooth removed. If there is an illness, such as infection, in the gum area, your dentist may inform you and have you go on an antibiotic until the area is clear of infection. This prevents spreading the infection. Once the decay is removed, you can move forward to the dental implant placement.

Placement and Aftercare

Your dentist will make an incision on your gum line for the implant. The area will be prepped and your dentist will drill a hole for the implant peg. The implant is then placed into the drilled hole and the implant post. Once the post is implanted, you can begin your aftercare. The aftercare will consist of how to handle your fresh dental implant. This can cover rinsing, foods to avoid and when you should come back for any adjustments after the bone has grown around the implant.

Though this procedure may take several weeks to months to complete from consultation to aftercare, many agree that it does not take away from the benefits of the dental implants. If you have any questions regarding the dental implant procedure, discuss your concerns with your dentist at the time of the evaluation and consultation appointment. 

By understanding what is involved in the dental implant procedure, you can better prepare yourself. If you are ready to move forward with your choice of dental implants, contact a local dentist for more information. They can schedule you for your evaluation appointment and discuss the best time for your dental implant procedure. 
