Everybody grinds their teeth on occasion. Tooth enamel is hard enough to withstand occasional grinding. But chronic tooth grinding has a cumulative effect on teeth. Over time, chronic tooth grinding will wear tooth enamel and damage your teeth.
Sometimes, people are not aware that they grind their teeth because they grind their teeth unconsciously. If your teeth are worn, they are more prone to fracturing and tooth decay. People most commonly grind their teeth in the following situations.
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5 Actions You Need to Take During a Dental Emergency
Having a dental emergency can be a harrowing experience. Whether you're dealing with a cracked tooth, a knocked-out tooth, or extreme pain, it's important to know what to do to minimise the damage and ensure that you get the care you need as quickly as possible. Here are five actions you should take during a dental emergency.
Call Your Dentist Immediately
The first thing you should do is call your dentist.
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Four Ways Your Dentist Can Help With Teeth Whitening
Having a healthy smile is important for your self-esteem and overall well-being. If you have stained or discoloured teeth, there are ways to get them back to their natural color.
You can whiten your teeth at home by using a kit, or you can visit your dentist for professional help. Here are four ways your dentist can help with teeth whitening:
1. Your Dentist Can Help With Teeth Whitening Professional Cleanings To Remove Plaque And Stains
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Grey Is Not Okay: Here's Why Your Dentist Needs to Inspect Your Grey Tooth
Anyone who notices a grey tooth in their mouth needs to make an appointment at their local dental centre. A grey tooth may require urgent restorative treatment, although it's also possible that no intervention is needed. There are many reasons why a tooth can develop a grey hue, and you simply don't know until a dentist takes a look at the tooth in question.
Pulp Necrosis
Perhaps the most serious cause of a grey tooth is pulp necrosis.
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