Receding Gums: Can They Be Restored?

If a part of your physical appearance begins to recede, wouldn't you want to restore it? Sometimes this is possible, and sometimes not. People who take steps to overcome the recession of their youth can have mixed results, although this is a fairly broad area, and your efforts might involve anything from topical skin creams to invasive plastic surgery. A receding hairline is another aspect of someone's appearance that can be difficult to remedy. However, when it comes to receding gums, cosmetic dentistry has got you covered. But how can this common issue actually be fixed?

Too Much Tooth Surface

There are a number of issues which can result in gum recession, which is when your gum line recedes and begins to expose more tooth surface as the years go by. While this might not be classified as a medical problem (as long as the surface enamel on each tooth remains intact, and the dental root remains intact), it can certainly become a cosmetic problem, resulting in what is generally referred to as a toothy smile.

Some Causes of Gum Recession

Gum recession can be caused by over-aggressive brushing over the course of many years, along with plain and simple periodontal disease. You might also have a genetic predisposition to the condition, meaning that, despite your best efforts, receding gums are unavoidable. Does this mean you need to live with having a toothy smile, whether you like it or not?

Skin Grafting

The concept of skin grafting can sound extreme, but this is generally the best method for treating receding gums. A small portion of gum tissue is removed, and this is often taken from the roof of your mouth. It's then grafted onto the portions of the gum at the base of each respective tooth affected by gum recession, essentially restoring the gumline to its pre-recession condition. 

A Minor Inconvenience

Although this restorative procedure is classified as a cosmetic dental operation, it's still a minor procedure, and any discomfort will be minor. Some healing time will be required, but given the relatively small scale of the grafting procedure, once again, this will be minimal. Your smile will no longer be toothy, and previously exposed dental enamel will be covered, which offers a better level of protection for your teeth.

When your toothy smile has become more prominent as your gums have receded, it might be time to intervene and restore your smile.
