4 Tooth-Brushing Mistakes and How They Harm Your Dental Health

Are you sure that you are brushing your teeth correctly morning and night? Although brushing your teeth might seem like a simple act, if your technique is even slightly off, you could do a lot of damage to your oral health. Many people are unaware of the correct way to brush their teeth. But, it's important that you learn correct brushing technique, otherwise, you'll do more harm than good.

If you aren't sure of the correct way to brush your teeth, the following list of brushing mistakes should give you a good idea.

1. Brushing with a Sawing Motion

Imagine sawing away at a piece of wood. Eventually, the side-to-side friction, as well as the saw's teeth, cut through the wood. The same thing, albeit with less speed, happens to your teeth when you brush side to side. Though it takes time, the bristles of your toothbrush will wear away the enamel surface of your teeth.

In time, you'll notice grooves in your teeth, and begin to suffer from tooth sensitivity because there is less enamel protecting your teeth. Instead of sawing, brush your teeth in a circular motion. This will ensure that you get the entire tooth and a little of the gum tissue.

2. Missing Some Tooth Surfaces

It's easy to spend more time on your front teeth or the sides of your teeth. After all, these are the most visible to you. However, don't forget that plaque, which causes tooth decay and gum disease, can form on any tooth surface. That means you need to brush between and behind your teeth too. If in doubt, feel your teeth with your tongue. Roughness indicates plaque.

3. Failing to Brush Along the Gum Line

Plaque, the fuzzy film that grows on your teeth, often tends to build up along your gum line, especially that of your lower front teeth. As you brush then, make sure you remove this plaque with circular brushing motions. Otherwise, within a week, the plaque you miss today could turn into tartar. Tartar causes gum disease, and you cannot remove it with a toothbrush.

4. Brushing with Too Much Force

Remember, plaque and food debris are soft. That means you don't have to brush very hard to remove them from the surfaces of your teeth. Brush with a soft toothbrush, and use soft to moderate force. Otherwise, you could wear away your tooth enamel and damage your gum tissue. Once gum tissue recedes, it doesn't return, leaving the roots of your teeth exposed to tooth decay.

Make sure you are brushing your teeth correctly. And teach your friends and relatives the importance of brushing correctly too. Bad technique damages teeth; good technique keeps them in good shape.

For more information, contact a family dentist in your area.
